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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is Fashion Really Important?

It's never a dull day in the fashion world, where new ideas are being conjured up to reinstate what will be our next must have item we'll be bombarded with by various forms of media. As everything has been done before but must be reinterpreted for it be a coveted...right?

 Of course there will be the people who claim that fashion does not state who they are and what they contribute to the world but clearly they haven't experienced the true power of a well put together ensemble. A simple wardrobe change can boost confidence, state to your boss that you're ready for more responsibilities, it states your rank or lack there of, your profession, your hobbies, if you should be taken seriously or as a joke, who you want to portray yourself as and the list goes on. Fashion is everything that clothes, without it well... we'd be Adam and Eve (if you know what I mean). If you've never thought about it before , think about it now, it doesn't matter how cheap or expensive; everything you wear was designed by someone, may not have always been carefully thought out but yes it was designed none the less. So I think that fashion shouldn't be brushed off as a mediocre entity that the frivolous and rich indulge in to pass time but an empire that helps you to walk outdoors, keeps you warm and well you get the picture.

It's a catty business but what business doesn't bulldoze to get to the top.

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