Also not because it's in fashion doesn't mean you have to wear it and hire a stylist that knows what looks good on you, there were a lot of what is she wearing moments on that red carpet, it's very difficult to perfect a look for every award show but with a good stylist that does their research to ensure that you are also not wearing the same dress as many have before or on the same night is a keeper. Being in the public eye is a very critical business that's why you also have to listen to your gut and if you think you look like a bird then speak up because how could celebrities look in the mirror before they leave for a show and not see what all the fashion critics see as soon as they set foot on that red carpet that'll have to be a serious case of denial.
It come down to ill fit, colour washing you out, dated looks, looks that are too young or old for you ans the mere fact that dress for the occasion.